Option 1. Live your best life now
Own a ¼ or ½ acre plot in a gated estate with internal tarmac roads, solar street lights, sewer lines, green fences, a recreational park with a small lake, over 2 million liters of water reserve, underground cabling of electricity, and internet. You will never have to worry about insecurity and you won’t pay taxes on building materials.
Option 2. The good life
Own a 1/8 acre or ¼ acre plot in a gated estate with clean titles, murram roads, proper drainage, red soils, green fences, about 5 acres of recreational park… like a small Karura forest, proper controls so everyone is building a bungalow or a mansion. Perfect and peaceful location for raising children.

Option 3. Cat and mouse game
Buy an overpriced plot in an uncontrolled area. One neighbor will start keeping pigs, the other will open a club, the other one will build a 9 floor high flat full of bedsitters while your other neighbor will build mabati single rooms. The tenants in these single rooms will be dumping their trash outside your gate and playing loud music on Sunday mornings.
You will also need to build a 3-meter high masonry perimeter wall, add an electric fence, razor wire and a Nigerian gate. This will cost you at least Kshs 1M. In addition, you will need to employ a nightguard or keep fierce dogs or both. At night, you will need to be alert and have some crude weapons near your bed just in case the thieves manage to beat your security system. You will live in constant fear and lack sufficient sleep at night. Anyway, si unaishi kwako na hulipi rent….
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Valuer Kariùki, MRICS
Registered & Practicing Valuer
Chartered Valuation Surveyor.