11 reasons to give you comfort as you invest in Unity Homes
Over the past several years, I have written several articles concerning Unity Homes apartments, sold many apartments to happy investors and I can now confidently write this one. Click on the links at the end of the article to read the previous articles.
- Location: Tatu City is Strategically located – 15 mins away from Thika Superhighway where both the Eastern and Northern bypasses meet. This road has now expanded into dual carriage way, which has now
further opened up the location. Proximity to CBD, JKIA, and facilities like Two rivers, Garden City mall etc.
- The theme of live, work and play is a concept that seamlessly merges the residential, business and recreational facility that gives birth to an excellent living environment.
- Tatu City is a controlled area. Infrastructure that catalyzes large-scale development is in place i.e. horizontal infrastructure like Roads, Water supply, Electric network and Drainage systems. They are trend setters for Smart cities.
2. Vertically Integrated: Due to this structure, the Unity Homes has control over important aspects of the development, rather than relying on external contractors. They take direct ownership of stages of production and ensure the operations are completely streamlined, that way they ensure the construction timelines, quality and so many other aspects are in control and adhered to.
3. Project cash reserve policy: In order to ensure that all Unity Homes projects are sufficiently capitalised, this policy seeks to establish limits by which management must adhere to before removing any capital from a project. Unity homes respects the rights of clients’ until such a time that the house/apartment has been handed over. Only at a time of handover is when the deposits are recognised as revenue is the operating entity allowed to remove any funds from the project.
4. Timely deliveries: Unity Homes has a track record of delivering projects ahead of schedule. The apartments are always delivered ahead of time meaning that you start getting your rental income as expected.
5. Flexible Payment plan. The apartments come with a 3-year payment plan. You can pace yourself and pay either monthly or annually. Yes, you can pay for the apartment using your end of year bonus.
6. Quality guaranteed. Unity Homes, pride themselves in the quality of houses that they build at an affordable price, they take this very personally as they have like about 28 checklists on the quality of a unit to complete before they are ready for delivery. As an ISO-certified company, their policies and procedures mandate them to deliver high-quality homes to all their clients. They remain committed to achieving the best standards in the construction of homes, in service delivery to all their clients and in the handover process to all their buyers. They also offer a defects liability period of 1 year where in case of any defects on workmanship, they fix it at no extra cost.
This is actually how the One bedroom show house looks like
7. Leases. Since the title deed for the land where the apartments are constructed is not charged to a bank, once you buy your apartment, the process of getting your lease / sectional title commences immediately.
It normally takes about 45 – 60 days to process your sublease.
8. Warranty: All the apartments come with a 1 year guarantee against defects. So you don’t need to have the phone number of a plumber and an electrician on speed dial. You just inform the management and your issue is sorted.
9. Ease of getting tenants: On average, it takes about 3 weeks from handover for Unity Homes to find you a tenant for an unfurnished unit. In the past, they have had a waiting list of tenants and they anticipate the same scenario to be repeated when the 1-bedroom units are completed by the end of 2023. This is the same time they expect the Call Centre International, and one of the leading supermarkets to move into Tatu city and bring about 4000 employees within a walking distance from Unity 1. Most of these employees are young people who will find the 1 and 2 bedroom apartments very ideal to live in and raise a family.
10. Social amenities: As we have seen above, most of the tenants will be young people. Just like Unity West, Unity East and Unity One will have a swimming pool, play area with a basketball pitch, a bistro for your coffee and drinks, and a bonfire spot.
11. 35-acre community park: You won’t get this convenience and tranquility anywhere else in Nairobi. This isa government – gazetted park and it is guaranteed not to be developed on.
The tarmac road is already in place and the construction is ongoing. Note the gazetted forest at the back.
What next?
1. Visit the website to learn more, watch a virtual tour and download the brochure and send an enquiry. https://unityhomes.co.ke/unity-one/
2. When you contact Unity Homes or go for a site visit, ask for a “Kariuki Waweru” discount. When booking an apartment, remember to indicate “Kariuki Waweru” as your agent. You will be glad that you did!
I appreciate your feedback. Please reach me on +254 723477035 or email info@kariukiwaweru.com
Valuer Kariùki, MRICS
Registered & Practicing Valuer & Estate Agent
Chartered Valuation Surveyor.
See links to the facts shared above
1. Why I want to buy a 1-bedroom apartment. Why I want to buy a 1-bedroom apartment. – Valuer Kariùki, MRICS (kariukiwaweru.com)
2. CCI Global. CCI Global moves to largest contact centre in Kenya at Tatu City | Tatu City
3. Why Unity One. https://kariukiwaweru.com/why-unity-one/
4. To buy an apartment or not? https://kariukiwaweru.com/why-unity-one/