“Hedonic” literally suggests that the buying of the target property, and hence living in it, is a source of “pleasure“. The better (and hence more expensive) the property, the higher this specific notion of real estate pleasure, stemming from property characteristics leading to such sensations: a nice view, proximity to services and pleasant life, the presence of an elevator, safe and sufficient parking lots, a swimming pool and gymn (that you may never use). These pleasure-giving characteristics are called “hedonic”.

I recently told you about some apartments that have “a lot of Hedonic” with a very favorable price point. You can read about them by clicking here.
My latest book, “How to invest in Real estate in Kenya” breaks down this whole concept and guides you on how to invest safely, knowledgeably and profitably.
The book is available for Kshs 500. Please call 0723 477 035 or email info@kariukiwaweru.com to order.
Valuer Kariùki MISK, RV, MRICS
Registered & Practicing Valuer
Chartered Valuation Surveyor.