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From the blog

#MrsW’shouse – Week 4 Foundation final stage.

This week the contractor finalized on the masonry work in the foundation. Depending on the height prescribed in the drawing, the foundation had about 4 courses in the higher sides and up to 7 courses in the lowest land levels.


The backfilling also took place this week.  The contractor returned all the red soil into the wall space, then left a gap of about 1 foot to the top.  the 1 foot was filled with Hardcore then levelled with a hammer they then added quarry dust.


They used a roller compressor to compact the hardcore and quarry dust then put a layer of DPM and BRC .  They put a formwork made of wood (mukima 6*1) around the ground floor in preparation for the slab.


BRC A142 2 rolls

DPM 2 rolls

Quarry dust 20t

Hardcore 40t

Ballast 20t

Rock sand 20t

Cement 120 bags

In week 5, we hope to start walling.

To book your cake today, please call / Whatsapp Tajicakes on 0724771009

I appreciate your feedback. Please reach me on 0723477035 or email

Valuer Kariùki, MRICS

Registered & Practicing Valuer

Chartered Valuation Surveyor.

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